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December 19, 2019Knowledge Portal
Biofortification: A food-systems solution to help end hidden hunger

This brief presents the latest evidence from rigorous research and implementation lessons learned on how biofortification can contribute to improving food systems and public health for all. . Over 16 years of peer-reviewed research has provided strong evidence that biofortified crops are well accepted by farmers and consumers, improve nutritional status and health of vulnerable populations, and are a cost-effective solution to help end hidden hunger. »

December 18, 2019Knowledge Portal
Urbanization as a driver of changing food demand in Africa

This report focuses on the concern that urbanization will have profound effects on eating patterns and increase the risk of nutrition-related non-communicable diseases. It is found that individuals who relocated to urban areas experience a much more pronounced shift away from the consumption of traditional staples, and towards more high-sugar, conveniently consumed and prepared foods. Living in an urban environment is not found to contribute positively to the intake of protein-rich foods, nor to diet diversity. Moreover, the results indicate that the growth of unhealthy food consumption with urbanization is largely linked to rising incomes. »

December 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
The double burden of malnutrition

This four paper series explores how the coexistence of over nutrition (overweight and obesity) and undernutrition (stunting and wasting) is affecting low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Malnutrition in its many forms has previously been understood and approached as a separate public health issue, but the new emergent reality is that undernutrition and overnutrition are interconnected. In addition to policy recommendations, the series includes a focus on both historical and biological contexts, and new economic analysis. »

December 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Promoting effective resilience investments: Delivering peace, agriculture-led growth and socio-economic transformation in the Horn of Africa

This booklet is a compilation of documentation on good practices on resilience at regional level, further to the implementation of the six pillars of IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) in the IGAD region: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. The lessons learnt as well as the challenges met during the implementation of IDDRSI Phase I (2013–2018) are discussed, with a view to informing the implementation of Phase II, endorsed in June 2018, as part of the efforts aimed at ending drought emergencies in the region. »

December 9, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to early generation seed: Obstacles for delivery of climate-smart varieties

Changing climates will require African farmers to adjust which crop varieties they grow in order to adapt to changing patterns of weather, pests and diseases. Delivering more suitable, climate-smart crop varieties requires well-functioning seed systems in which actors work in harmony across the supply chain. Although a great deal of previous development funding has been used to breed new varieties and to encourage farmers to adopt them, the availability of early-generation seed (EGS) continues to be limited by bottlenecks in the supply chain.

December 9, 2019Knowledge Portal
Civil society and social movements in food system governance

This book examines and compares variety of governance innovations, at a range of scales, thereby offerig insights for those considering contemporary food systems and their ongoing transformation. A key finding includes that food movements are increasingly engaging in governance to have a wider and more systemic impact. »