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January 20, 2020Knowledge Portal
The global institutional landscape of food and agriculture: How to achieve SDG2

This paper describes the food and agriculture (F&A) global institutional landscape and its challenges and looks at ongoing reform efforts and their shortcomings. »

January 20, 2020Knowledge Portal
Money matters: The role of yields and profits in agricultural technology adoption

This article states that despite the growing attention to technology adoption in the economics literature, knowledge gaps remain regarding why some valuable technologies are rapidly adopted, while others are not. This paper contributes to our understanding of agricultural technology adoption by showing that a focus on yield gains may, in some contexts, be misguided. »

January 20, 2020Knowledge Portal
Food systems for healthier diets in Bangladesh: Towards a research agenda

This discussion paper identified a large set of research questions that, if answered, could shed light on both how the food system in Bangladesh works, and the rate of change of food system transformation in Bangladesh. Both government interventions and innovations are needed to help shift the national food system to improve nutrient-dense food availability, particularly among the poor, and to limit the increase in processed food consumption. »

January 18, 2020Knowledge Portal
How the urban poor define and measure food security in Cambodia and Nepal

This article focuses on the issue that urban food security, or its lack, is attracting growing interest in global policy debates. The researchers argue that the voices of the urban poor are missing in these conversations. To fill this gap, grassroots community organizations, with decades-long experience collecting data on their own communities and taking action to improve conditions, decided to ask the urban poor in Cambodia and Nepal how they define and measure food security, what key challenges they face in the daily struggle to put food on the table and what actions might help. »

January 13, 2020Knowledge Portal
Urban food environments in Africa: implications for policy and research

This paper provides an overview of the healthiness of African urban food environments, discusses the ways food environments can be characterised and summarises the methods that can be used to investigate and intervene in the food environment. he informal food sector plays an important role in the retail food environment. Macro-level food price changes are an important factor influencing nutritional quality of African diets. »

January 13, 2020Knowledge Portal
Indonesia’s triple burden of malnutrition

This study aimed to better understand the triple burden of malnutrition, diets, and the drivers of food choices in East Java, Indonesia. The ‘triple burden of malnutrition’ is particularly stark in Indonesia, where there are both high rates of both childhood chronic undernutrition and overweight. »