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February 27, 2020Knowledge Portal
Rethinking trade policies to support healthier diets

This brief focuses on the potential to lever improvements in diets by trade policy, and how to address it. The primary focus is on cross-border flows of food and agricultural commodities, exploring the effects that trade can have on the supply and affordability of nutrient-rich foods. It also considers how trends in global trade affect diets, greenhouse gas emissions and the natural environment upon which food systems depend. »

February 26, 2020Knowledge Portal
Access to agricultural finance in Jordan

This report is an advisory piece with recommendations towards facilitating access to suitable financial services for smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods and break the cycle of indebtedness. The application of a holistic approach that focuses on access to markets, access to finance and capacity building is required for sustainable improvement of small farmers’ livelihoods using financial services. »

February 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Learning adaptation to climate change from past climate extremes: Evidence from recent climate extremes in Haryana, India

This article examines whether farmers learn form their past experiences of exposure to climate extremes and use the knowledge to better adapt to future climate extremes. Farmer learning and uptake of new technology is not only related to the characteristic of technology but also how well the technology fits the farming system and its impact on farmers’ livelihood. »

February 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Urban agriculture: Another way to feed cities

This magazine shines a light on the renaissance of (peri-)urban agriculture, its changing forms and technologies, its potential and limitations by a mixture of cross-disciplinary studies and reports from the field, from emering as well as developed economies. The magazine sets out the background for the rise of urban agriculture, identifies different types of urban agriculture and analyses successful programs . »

February 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Youth opportunity spaces in low-emission dairy development in Kenya

This note aimed to understand how intensification in the dairy sector, in combination with changing urban-rural dynamics, influences young women and men’s employment opportunities in Kenya. strategic attention should be given to social and rural development outcomes in the design of low emission development interventions and specific focus on how to increase the potential of intensification to support youth employment and youth equitable outcomes. »

February 24, 2020Knowledge Portal
The age of foodtech: Optimizing the agri-food chain with digital technologies

This article reviewed emerging applications of technologies like the Internet of Things, distributed ledger technologies and Artificial Intelligence at various phases of the agri-food chain, focusing in particular on smart and precision farming, value chain integrity, personalized nutrition and the reduction and prevention of food waste. »