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March 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges

This report lays out and analyses 15 key global trends that are influencing and will influence food and agriculture in the coming decades, and comments on the associated 10 challenges ahead. Several trends that will impact agriculture and food systems are: global population growth is slowing, but Africa and Asia will still see a large population expansion; economic growth is leading to dietary transition, e.g. demand for food is changing towards higher consumption of meat and dairy products and other more resource-intensive food items. »

March 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Capitalizing on the livestock revolution; ILRI corporate report 2015–2016

This report by ILRI provides examples of putting science into practice, facilitating evidence-based decision-making and developing the capacities of livestock. The report has five chapters of interlinked areas: livestock genetics and breeding; livestock feeds and forages; livestock and human health; policies, value chains and livelihoods; and sustainable livestock systems. »

March 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Synthesis report – gender & collectively held land

This report by Landesa gives recommendations on interventions to strengthen collective tenure and ensure that both women and men benefit from the improved land tenure security. The report synthesizes findings from six case studies from China, Ghana, India, the Kyrgyz Republic, Namibia, and Peru. This intersection between gender and collective tenure security reforms is largely understudied. »

March 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Effect of non-farm work on agricultural productivity: Empirical evidence from northern Ghana

This working paper (PDF) from UNU-WIDER investigates the factors influencing participation in non-farm work and the effect of participation on farmers’ productivity, using survey data from 300 smallholder farm households in northern Ghana. »

February 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Secondary towns, agricultural prices, and intensification: evidence from Ethiopia

This working paper analyses how cities and secondary towns affect agricultural practices in their rural hinterlands. While most of the population in sub-Saharan Africa resides in cities and secondary towns, this relationship is not well understood. »

February 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Assessing the environmental impacts of livestock and fish production

This brief by the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish introduces different streams of work to develop and test tools to assess the environmental impacts of livestock and fish production in developing countries. As demand for livestock products continues to grow, driven by rising population and dietary shifts, there is an urgent need to develop strategies to reduce the environmental footprints and GHG emission intensity from livestock. The first step in this process is to develop tools to estimate potential impacts of such strategies. »