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March 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender in the farmed fish value chain of Bangladesh: A review of the evidence and development approaches

This publication (PDF) by WorldFish analyzes gender relations in fish farming and value chains in Bangladesh, based on a literature review. To better appreciate the situation, it is important to understand the underlying social and gender norms that determine what women and men can and should do if the aim is to engage women, in particular, as more effective value chain actors. The authors state there are considerable differences in the ways and degrees to which men and women participate in the aquaculture value chain in Bangladesh. »

March 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Cost-effectiveness of community-based gendered advisory services to farmers: Analysis in Mozambique and Tanzania

This discussion paper conducts cost-effectiveness analyses of interventions that bring a gender lens to community-based advisory services in rural areas. Cost-effectiveness analysis subjects both the cost side and the effects side of agricultural interventions to technical scrutiny and unifies both sides in order to compare the relative cost-effectiveness of different modalities of a program, of efforts to reach different target groups or achieve different outcomes. »

March 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Early warning, early action: The innovations changing food crisis management

This article by Richard Choularton, a senior associate focused on food security and climate change at Tetra Tech International Development Services, gives five areas of innovation that enable earlier and more evidence-based responses to food crises, and help communities build resilience to climate change and disasters. »

March 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Unlocking the potential of non-farm enterprises to reduce rural unemployment in Ghana

This policy briefing by IDS highlights the role of non-farm enterprise sector in the rural economy in Ghana. Non-farm enterprises have been viewed as one of the surest ways of reducing rural youth unemployment in the country. However, despite their potential, limited understanding of the diverse nature of the non-farm enterprise sector has led to policies that do not fully exploit its potential to reduce rural unemployment in Ghana. »

March 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Large-scale agricultural investments and smallholder welfare: A comparison of wage labor and outgrower channels in Tanzania

This article in the World Development Journal evaluates household welfare effects of large-scale agricultural investments in Tanzania, one of the main recipients of such investments in Africa. Specifically, the article compares households participating in sugar and rice investments through outgrower schemes or as agro-industry workers with non-participants in terms of household income and income poverty. »

March 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Climate change and crop diversity: Farmers’ perceptions and adaptation on the Bolivian Altiplano

This article explored the role of crop diversity in farmers’ adaptation actions in eight Aymara communities on the northern Bolivian Altiplano. Crop diversity is central to traditional risk management practices on the Andean Altiplano and may find renewed importance in adapting to climate change. »