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March 31, 2020Knowledge Portal
Why income lacks to ensure household food security: Needs and challenges identified by consumers from a rural community, South Africa

This study aimed to gain an understanding of the challenges and needs experienced by households with different food security statuses. Results revealed that households had experienced insufficient food supply to such an extent that the household was at risk of becoming food insecure or actually insecure among medium and high‐income groups. »

March 31, 2020Knowledge Portal
Indigenous knowledge of veterinary medicinal plant use in cattle treatment in southwestern Burkina Faso

The aim of this study is to inventory medicinal plants in cattle husbandry in Burkina Faso. The results showed that 26 medicinal plants for veterinary use. The findings will contribute to integrate the local knowledge of communities into appropriate proposals to preserve veterinary medicinal plants. »

March 31, 2020Knowledge Portal
Information and communication technologies to provide agricultural advice to smallholder farmers: Experimental evidence from Uganda

This study evaluates the effectiveness of an ICT‐mediated approach to deliver agricultural information in a field experiment conducted among small‐scale maize farmers in eastern Uganda. Households that were shown a short video on how to become better maize farmers were performing significantly better on a knowledge test, more likely to apply recommended practices, and more likely to use fertilizer »

March 24, 2020Knowledge Portal
Sustainable food systems through diversification and indigenous vegetables: An analysis of the Southern Nakuru County

This report presents the results of multi-disciplinary research and dialogue activities in Kenya, using a ‘food systems approach’ in terms of sustainability and outcomes, a related governance analysis about the bottlenecks and drivers that make diversification of the food system difficult, with a focus on indigenous vegetables. An example of crosscutting solutions is a multi-stakeholder platform to regularly bring together all relevant actors. »

March 23, 2020Knowledge Portal
Climate-smart agriculture and the SDGs: Mapping interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs and guidelines for integrated implementations

This publication presents an assessment and mapping of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) – Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) interlinkages, which provide entry points for targeted CSA planning to enchance syngergies and reduce potential tradeoffs between CSA objectives and SDGs. This paper represents a first step in defining specific ways in which CSA can support the achievement of the SDG. »

March 23, 2020Knowledge Portal
Understanding agriculture fintechs’ business models: Agri-Wallet service delivery model case study

This blog evaluated Agri-wallet’s business model and identified opportunities for Agri-wallet to scale sustainably while creating positive returns for its farmer, small and medium enterprises customers, and investors. Agri-wallet is an innovative agriculture fintech in Kenya that provides supply chain finance to insure that all actors in the value chain can access the resources they need to grow and scale. »