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July 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Approaches aiming at sustainable production

This publication presents various agricultural approaches aimed at improving agricultural practices and contributing to a more sustainable world. The report starts with a short introduction of seven key approaches: agroecology, sustainable intensification, climate smart agriculture, landscape approaches, conservation agriculture, organic farming and inclusive green growth. »

July 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Challenges and opportunities for women’s economic empowerment in agriculture

This blog elaborates on the challenges and opportunities for women’s economic empowerment in agriculture. It states that over the past several years, there has been increasing evidence regarding the importance of women’s economic participation, both for the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality, as well as for the economic well-being of families, communities, sectors and nations.  »

July 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Making governance work for water–energy–food nexus approaches

This working paper elaborates on the importance and challenges regarding governance for water-energy-food nexus approaches. The concept of the water–energy–food nexus has become widely used to help understand interdependencies among the three systems. However, governance in the WEF nexus has not received much attention in the literature. »

July 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Capitalising on the potential of women in livestock development

This article emphasizes the importance and benefits of the inclusion of women in livestock development. The author argues that the frequent exclusion of women from livestock ownership, resources and decision-making is a major factor in hindering households from escaping poverty. »

July 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender analysis of women’s economic empowerment: summary of findings Kenya

This learning document describes the outcomes of a gender analysis of women’s economic empowerment in Kenya. Recommendations from the programme were, among others: reduce women’s time spent on domestic chores; invest in group enterprises to bring credit within reach of women; encourage male engagement in women empowerment; and utilize technology and innovative methods to improve women’s access to information on pricing and markets.  »

July 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agricultural commercialisation: Where it’s hot and where it’s not

This blog scrutinizes the link between the level of commercialization of a local economy and youth inclusiveness. Greater agricultural commercialization, through engagement with value chains, is seen by many as the only viable way forward for small-scale farmers in Africa. However, how this commercialization is influencing the opportunities of rural young people is hardly investigated. »