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October 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Grazed and confused

This report addresses the role of ruminants in grazing systems and their relationship with climate change. The potential contribution of grazing ruminants to soil carbon sequestration is small, time-limited, reversible and substantially outweighed by the greenhouse gas emissions they generate. »

October 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Options and opportunities to make food value chains more environmentally sustainable and resilient in Sub-Saharan Africa

This publication provides an overview of the key continental, regional and national frameworks and policies to promote sustainable and resilient food value chains (VC) in Sub-Saharan Africa, and it examines their effectiveness. The study looks at six VCs: livestock (including meat and dairy products), rice, cassava, maize, pulses and mangoes in several dryland countries. »

October 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
The roles of community seed banks in climate change adaption

This article argues that community seed banks can enhance the resilience of farmers, in particular of communities and households most affected by climate change. The various examples of community seed banks from this global review demonstrate that community seed banks are already carrying out major functions in terms of adaptation to climate change.  »

October 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Insecure food: diet, eating and identity among the Ethiopian Suri people in the developmental age

This article discusses food, cultural identity and development among the agropastoral Suri people of Southwest Ethiopia. Their food system is discussed in its actual form and in its process of change, accelerated since a decade or so. »

October 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
Triggering for positive behaviour change in nutrition

This technical brief provides an overview of community Social and Behavior Change Communication and triggering on positive nutrition and hygiene behaviors. The brief presents results from the Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4A) model in Uganda and Zambia. »

October 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
Mainstreaming agrobiodiversity in sustainable food systems: Scientific foundations for an Agrobiodiversity Index

This book reviews and analyzes the role that agrobiodiversity can play in creating a more sustainable food system. In the context of sustainable food systems, agricultural biodiversity is a key resource.  »