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November 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Oceans’ contribution to food security for the poor: Confronting ominous trends

This article argues that the contributions of fisheries to food security are increasingly undermined by a set of powerful trends. These trends manifest in our societies in various ways, but to really understand them, it is necessary to study the underlying discourses. »

October 31, 2017Knowledge Portal
The importance of soil in creating a sustainable world

SoilCares interviewed Dutch soil scientist professor Johan Bouma about the role of soil in creating a sustainable world. In this interview professor Bouma explains how soil relates to UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) and how companies such as SoilCares can contribute to creating more awareness about the importance of soil. »

October 31, 2017Knowledge Portal
Modern agri‐food systems, horticultural employment and women’s empowerment

This working paper addresses the question of female empowerment through horticultural employment. The transformation of global agri-food systems has led to the increased establishment of export-oriented horticultural plantations in developing countries. These production sites provide employment opportunities for women in rural areas. »

October 31, 2017Knowledge Portal
A qualitative evaluation of gender aspects of agricultural intensification practices in central Malawi

This evaluation report aims to provide guidance in understanding gender dynamics in central Malawi to improve gender integration in agronomic practices and technologies being promoted by Africa RISING. Focus group discussions were held with 148 male and female farmers and complemented by key informant interviews. »

October 31, 2017Knowledge Portal
External influences on agro-enterprise innovation platforms in Benin, Ghana and Mali: Options for effective responses

This article discusses external influences on innovation platforms and the options for effective responses. The platforms examined in this paper were conceived as vehicles for facilitating institutional change in support of innovation that benefits smallholders, in selected agro-enterprise domains in Benin, Ghana and Mali. »

October 31, 2017Knowledge Portal
Picture-based crop insurance: Is it feasible? Is it sustainable?

This blog examines the feasibility and sustainability of picture-based crop insurance. By taking regular pictures of their crops on smartphones, farmers can reliably document damage after a natural calamity and provide evidence that the crop was managed appropriately until that point. »