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November 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Women, village chickens, and animal source food consumption in Timor-Leste

This blog discusses promotors and inhibitors of animal source food consumption in rural households. It focuses on the links between village chickens, maternal and child diets, and nutritional status in Timor-Leste. »

November 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
The role of digital payments in sustainable agriculture and food security

This report examines how shifting to digital payments can provide powerful solutions to help countries improve agricultural productivity and ensure food security, bringing higher incomes and greater financial inclusion. »

November 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
From farm to phone to table: A case study series explores the impact of digital tools on agriculture

This blog discusses a case study series, which highlights different approaches to digital tool adoption and how these tools impact organizational culture, operations and programming. A key focus of the series is on understanding the collective impact of digital tools while trying to assess the status quo without them. »

November 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Large-scale food fortification: An overview of trends and challenges in low- and middle-income countries in 2017

This report provides an overview of the state of large-scale food fortification in the world. It has an emphasis on gaps and challenges to the scaling-up of the fortification of staple foods to populations that would benefit. »

November 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Africa is conquering its domestic food markets

This paper is the result of the study on domestic food markets in West Africa, Cameroon and Chad. Food systems in sub-Saharan Africa have changed in recent decades, and many observers have failed to keep up. The results reveal the considerable importance of the domestic food markets compared to the export markets. »

November 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Use of food waste, fish waste and food processing waste for China’s aquaculture industry: Needs and challenge

This article reviews the feasibility of using locally available waste materials as fish feed in the aquaculture industry. The use of locally available food waste as an alternative protein source for producing fish feed has been suggested as a means of tackling the problem of sourcing safe and sustainable feed. »