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December 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Contracts between smallholders and private firms in Mozambique and their implications on food security

This working paper focuses on the role of contract farming agreements between smallholders and private investors in rural contexts. These contracts can take different forms, but in general are agreements under which producers commit to supply produce to a buyer firm. The focus of this paper is on contracts’ effects on food security in Mozambique. »

December 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Donor open data policy and practice: An analysis of five agriculture programmes

This report shows results of a review of policy and data quality in five jointly funded agriculture programs in order to identify the opportunities for agriculture donors to align their approaches. This research aims to understand the opportunities for donors to make open data implementation more efficient and streamlined for their implementing research partners. »

December 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
Strategies for feeding the world more sustainably with organic agriculture

This article presents findings of a food systems model that addresses agronomic characteristics of organic agriculture to analyze the role that organic agriculture could play in sustainable food systems. Organic agriculture is proposed as a promising approach to achieving sustainable food systems, but its feasibility is also contested. »

November 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Examining the non-participation of some youth in agriculture in the midst of acute unemployment in Ghana

This article sought to fill the knowledge gap by examining the puzzle of unemployed youth non-participation in agriculture in the Bawku Municipality, Ghana. Primary data was gathered from a sample of 200 unemployed youth respondents using questionnaires and from stakeholders using interview guides. »

November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
NGOs in inclusive business: Contradiction or a complementarity?

This blog discusses why NGOs should engage in inclusive business and what role they can play. Many still think that traditional NGO work and business approaches are a contradiction. But NGOs have unique strengths and assets. »

November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
Are prospects of rural youth employment in Africa a mirage?

This article discusses the dismissal of productive employment of youth in rural areas in Africa as a mirage largely because they exhibit strong resistance to eking out a bare subsistence in dismal working and living conditions. The authors argue on recent evidence of agricultural transformation that this view is overly pessimistic, if not largely mistaken. »