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Initiatives to combat food wastage: a waste of time?
July 18, 2014Expert opinion
Initiatives to combat food wastage: a waste of time?
Theme: Food Wastage

The recently published F&BKP report on food wastage shows that a significant decline in food wastage will not automatically improve food security. There may be a positive impact on resource efficiency and general food availability in the long term but aspects such as food access, utilization and stability in developing countries will not improve at »

PPPs: listen to the farmers
March 25, 2014Expert opinion
PPPs: listen to the farmers
Theme: Partnerships

Assuming a joint approach would unleash agricultural potential and strengthen the market, Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have dominated global food security strategies. The debate highlights several strategies, for example, focusing on the local effects of knowledge-sharing through PPP networks, advocating linkages between sectors, or optimizing trade in a corridor approach. Within these approaches there is »

What about nutrition security?
March 21, 2014Expert opinion
What about nutrition security?
Theme: Nutrition Security

In regions that produce cash crops like tea, cocoa and coffee, nutrition security is rarely on the agenda of decisionmakers. However, nutrition is key to triggering a positive effect on the health of farmers and plantation workers, and on economic development and productivity. This article was written by Klaas de Vries as an expert opinion »