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Launch Platform on Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste
December 3, 2015Event
Launch Platform on Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

This side event of the FAO Council in Rome will launch the FAO and IFPRI Technical Platform on Food Loss and Waste and highlight knowledge and concrete steps required to scale-up food loss and waste prevention and reduction. »

Tweede Kamer algemeen overleg - voedselzekerheid (in Dutch)
December 1, 2015Event
Tweede Kamer algemeen overleg – voedselzekerheid (in Dutch)

Op woensdag 27 januari 2016 tijdens het algemeen overleg van de Tweede Kamer staat de Nederlandse inzet voor wereldwijde voedselzekerheid op de agenda. »

Lunch lecture on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
November 27, 2015Event
Lunch lecture on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes an IGG lunch lecture “Getting things done – with others” on the design and facilitation of multi-stakeholder partnerships. »

TerrAgenda (in Dutch)
November 27, 2015Event
TerrAgenda (in Dutch)

The second edition of the TerrAgenda Congress focuses on wrapping up the International Year of Soils 2015: evaluation of leassons learned and agreements on follow-up. »

Live Q&A: how do we improve nutrition while tackling climate change?
November 26, 2015Event
Live Q&A: how do we improve nutrition while tackling climate change?

With climate change, nutrition and food security intimately linked, are world leaders ready to make real progress at COP 21? Join The Guardian expert panel sponsored by GAIN online on Thursday 26 November to discuss this. »

Het Grote Agrodebat 2016 (in Dutch)
November 19, 2015Event
Het Grote Agrodebat 2016 (in Dutch)

This year, the debate on agriculture organized by LEI Wageningen UR focuses on technical and social developments, like big data and digital social networks, which create new possibilities and risks for the agricultural and horticultural sector. »