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Stakeholder Forum EU-Africa HLPD
March 10, 2016Event
Stakeholder Forum EU-Africa HLPD

The Bureau of the EU-Africa High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation is organizing a Stakeholder Forum “Implementation of an Africa‐EU Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture” in Addis Ababa on April 5 and 6, 2016. »

Een vruchtbare bodem, waardevol voor de hele keten (in Dutch)
March 8, 2016Event
Een vruchtbare bodem, waardevol voor de hele keten (in Dutch)

Tijdens de interactieve bijeenkomst georganiseerd door The Soil Initiative wordt kennis rondom bodemvruchtbaarheid uitgewisseld. Inspirerende innovaties van jonge start-ups, analyses uit de wetenschap en presentaties van experts uit de retail. Daarnaast kunnen bedrijven zelf hun ideeën toetsen aan de aanwezige specialisten. »

Democratizing Food Governance
March 1, 2016Event
Democratizing Food Governance

The Conference “Democratizing Food Governance” will promote a reflection on the new forms of partnership and civic engagement emerging around food: the way they function, their strengths and weaknesses, their successes and failures, the opportunities they offer as well as the limitations they face in their operation. »

AMRS Congress and APDR Congress
February 23, 2016Event
AMRS Congress and APDR Congress

The 1st Moroccan Regional Science Association (AMRS) Congress and 23rd Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR) Congress will be held at Marrakech, Morocco, from May 30 to 31, 2016. Theme of the »

International course on food security in an urbanising society
February 23, 2016Event
International course on food security in an urbanising society

From September 5 till September 16, Wageningen UR in cooperation with RUAF is organizing an exciting, highly interactive course on food security in an urbanizing society. Participants will be exposed to the latest concepts and international experiences brokered to them by the leading experts themselves. »

7th International Forum on Food and Nutrition
February 22, 2016Event
7th International Forum on Food and Nutrition

The seventh International Forum on Food and Nutrition of the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition is the annual opportunity to analyse and debate global questions relating to food, which has a strong impact on people’s lives and the health of the Planet. »