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Online Bootcamp Inclusive Innovation
March 24, 2016Event
Online Bootcamp Inclusive Innovation

The online bootcamp Inclusive Innovation will take place from April 4 until May 1, 2016 and will take participants through modules in which they get access to the latest industry insights on Inclusive Innovation. Participants get to interact with experts and participants from businesses around the world. »

2016 Food Tank Summit
March 17, 2016Event
2016 Food Tank Summit

This two-day event will feature more than 70 different speakers from the food and agriculture field on topics including; nourishing the planet, improving nutrient density, the future of organic, investing in the food movement, legislating change in the food system, and more. »

AgriFoodTop 2016
March 17, 2016Event
AgriFoodTop 2016

This year’s central theme of the AgriFoodTop is “From Science to Business”. What is happening in the field of fundamental research in the agri-food sector? Why is it interesting to invest in fundamental research, also for SMEs?
Keynote speakers from the agri-food sector will give their vision and it is the ideal event for networking. »

WAAPP-Ghana and NCoS Regional Conference 2016
March 14, 2016Event
WAAPP-Ghana and NCoS Regional Conference 2016

The NCoS in Ghana, CSIR-Crops Research Institute is organizing a regional conference to create a platform to strengthen National and Regional multidisplinary networks and for identification, planning and implementation of common research problems and solutions on root and tuber value chain development in the different countries in the WAAPP. »

Kosmos Research Workshop 2016
March 14, 2016Event
Kosmos Research Workshop 2016

The Kosmos Workshop “Emergency Agriculture and Food Security” will bring together leading Berlin-based, German and international researchers working on various related aspects of this emerging field. »

Infopoint Lunchtime Conference: Hunger and Food Security
March 11, 2016Event
Infopoint Lunchtime Conference: Hunger and Food Security

During this Infopoint Lunchtime conference “Hunger and Food Security – Major challenges we are facing today” an overview of the situation of food and nutrition security in the world today »