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Africa Business Club: Innovation meets Doing Business in Africa
April 8, 2016Event
Africa Business Club: Innovation meets Doing Business in Africa

The April Africa Business Club is entitled “Innovation meets Doing Business in Africa”. NABC and TNO invite the participant to share their innovation needs and ideas during a short brainstorm session. »

EESC Extraordinary meeting: From agricultural to food policy
April 8, 2016Event
EESC Extraordinary meeting: From agricultural to food policy

The EESC’s Various Interests Group holds an extraordinary meeting entitled “From agricultural to food policy – Towards healthy and sustainable production and consumption”. The group wants to continue focusing on the issue of a sustainable food policy and engage in dialogue with national institutional and civil society stakeholders »

World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development
April 8, 2016Event
World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development

The 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development (1st WCILD) aims to provide a platform for scientist, innovators and entrepreneurs to present, and share findings and experiences on how the latest developments in science and technology have shaped development of innovations utilized in livestock. »

Workshop third call ARF in Ethiopia
April 8, 2016Event
Workshop third call ARF in Ethiopia

A workshop on the third call of proposals of the Applied Research Fund is organized by the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) in cooperation with AgriProFocus Ethiopia on April 7, 2016 in Global Hotel, Addis Ababa. »

Opening Rabo Inspiratiezone Foodtopia (in Dutch)
April 7, 2016Event
Opening Rabo Inspiratiezone Foodtopia (in Dutch)

Op maandag 11 april wordt in de Rabo Inspiratiezone de tentoonstelling FOODTOPIA geopend. FOODTOPIA is een partnership tussen de Rabobank en Museum Boerhaave, het rijksmuseum voor de geschiedenis van de wetenschap. De expositie »

Third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development
April 7, 2016Event
Third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development

The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development was created to promote effective, targeted investment and build partnership, capacities and mutual accountabilities at all levels of the agricultural system to »