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High Level Event - Innovative Ways for Sustainable Nutrition, Food Security and Inclusive Agricultural Growth
April 19, 2016Event
High Level Event – Innovative Ways for Sustainable Nutrition, Food Security and Inclusive Agricultural Growth

The Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development is organizing a High Level Event entitled “Innovative Ways for Sustainable Nutrition, Food Security and Inclusive Agricultural Growth”. Food and nutrition security and »

Interactive Voice Response: Its Growing Role in Agricultural Extension Services
April 18, 2016Event
Interactive Voice Response: Its Growing Role in Agricultural Extension Services

From India and Ethiopia to Malawi and Madagascar, interactive voice response (IVR) is increasingly being used by agricultural extension services. Often detested by Americans because of overuse in customer service »

Shishi Odoshi session 4
April 18, 2016Event
Shishi Odoshi session 4 “Innovative financing, role private sector & chances for the Netherlands”

During the Shishi Odoshi series, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs invites inspiring speakers to give brief and to the point presentations about their experiences in the World.  The fourth session is entitled »

April 18, 2016Event
Workshop “Certification of agricultural products as a key driver of sector transformation”

The German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), organizes this workshop together with the GIZ Forum Nachhaltiges Palmöl (FONAP), and the Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet) on May 12 in Hamburg.

Share a Seed (by invitation)
April 18, 2016Event
Share a Seed (by invitation)

On Wednesday May 11, the the official opening of the “Share a Seed” photo exhibition by photographer Sacha de Boer takes place in Amsterdam. Photographer Sacha de Boer recently visited »

E-conference: Innovation systems for food security and nutrition
April 15, 2016Event
E-conference: Innovation systems for food security and nutrition

The Tropical Agriculture Platform (a G20 initiative facilitated by FAO) organizes a joint e-conference aimed at bringing together the issues of capacity development, agricultural innovation, and food security and nutrition with the objective of developing recommendations for policy-making. »