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FAO Technical Conference
May 10, 2016Event
FAO Technical Conference

The Technical Conference on “Rural transformation, agricultural and food system transition: Building the evidence base for policies that promote sustainable development, food and nutrition security and poverty reduction” will be held in the FAO Headquarters in Rome. »

Association for Vertical Farming Summit 2016
May 10, 2016Event
Association for Vertical Farming Summit 2016

During the AVF Summit 2016 it will be investigated how circular economies can address current challenges and hence, yield true sustainability for vertical farming. »

GreenTech 2016
May 10, 2016Event
GreenTech 2016

With horticulture products and solutions, inspiring sessions on cutting edge topics and the technology of the future, GreenTech is where you gain an overview of business opportunities in horticulture and make investment decisions. »

World Humanitarian Summit - Urban Side Event
May 10, 2016Event
World Humanitarian Summit – Urban Side Event

The World Humanitarian Summit takes place in Istanbul, Turkey on May 23 and 24 . The gFSC, WFP, UN University and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) jointly organize a side event with the title “Urban Fragility, Vulnerability and Resilience: Tools for Assessment from Macro to Micro Scale”. »

E-course on Food and Nutrition Security
May 4, 2016Event
E-course on Food and Nutrition Security

An e-course on Food and Nutrition Security, for policy officers at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other ministries, NGOs, partner organizations and for professionals working in the field of Food and Nutrition Security or International Cooperation. »

Second PPPCafé – PPPs as mechanisms for achieving scale
May 3, 2016Event
Second PPPCafé – PPPs as mechanisms for achieving scale

In the second of their quarterly PPPCafés in the New World Campus in The Hague, PPPLab will explore scaling: “PPPs as mechanisms for achieving scale: from simple models to rich strategies”. »