MVO Nederland organizes a network meeting for agrifood entrepreneurs facing big social challenges in the field of food security, animal welfare, health and environment. During the network meeting “Agrifood Futureproof” »
This year’s AgriFoodTop takes place on Wednesday June 7. It is the fourth edition of the annual network event for the Dutch agri-food sector, organized by TKI Agri & Food in co-operation with TiFN. »
During this seminar “Coping with Change: Resilient & Sustainable food systems, from theory to practice” CDI will explore the opportunities for resilient and sustainable food systems in a changing world. »
Meeting for Dutch applicants to the LEAP-Agri Call on sustainable agricultural and aquaculture for nutrition and food security. The event takes place on March 21, 2017 from 13:30-17:00 »
A webinar for potential applicants to the LEAP-Agri Call from NWO-WOTRO, NRD and DLR, to provide more information on the call, requirements and application procedure. »