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Conference: Communicating evidence for sustainable development
February 5, 2018Event
Conference: Communicating evidence for sustainable development

This conference “Communicating evidence for sustainable development” is organized by Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation and takes place at the WUR campus on April 4 and 5, 2018.  »

Public seminar “The potential of value chains for nutrition“
January 31, 2018Event
Public seminar “The potential of value chains for nutrition“

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform, NWO-WOTRO and AgriProFocus Ethiopia, in close collaboration with IFPRI and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are organizing the public seminar “The potential of »

Weather Information Services for successful local agriculture in Africa
January 30, 2018Event
Weather Information Services for successful local agriculture in Africa

Food security for Africa is an urgent global challenge. New weather services are key to produce food more efficiently and of higher quality. On March 22, 2018 Weather Impact will be the hosts of a seminar in Wageningen that aims to join leading experts from the fields of meteorology, hydrology and African agriculture. »

Conference: How business can make smallholder supply chains resilient
January 23, 2018Event
Conference: How business can make smallholder supply chains resilient

Innovation Forum is organizing the conference “How business can make smallholder supply chains resilient”, in London on March 13 and 14, 2018.  »

South-Africa event Water & AgriFood Nexus (in Dutch)
January 18, 2018Event
South-Africa event Water & AgriFood Nexus (in Dutch)

The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP), together with the Netherlands Embassy in South-Africa, RVO, Verbos Business Development and the Unie van Waterschappen are organzing an event in the context of the Partners for Water programme and focusing on the Water & AgriFood Nexus.   »

Short conference on Inclusive agri-business strategies
January 17, 2018Event
Short conference on Inclusive agri-business strategies

“Connecting policy, research and practice: Inclusive agri-business strategies” is the theme of a short conference in Nairobi on January 18, 2018.  The short conference aims to develop recommendations on how to improve joint strategies for inclusive agri-business (IAB) that contribute to improved food security and development impact. »