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Netherlands-CGIAR partnership launches call to finance PPP and Research Uptake expert
September 20, 2018News
Netherlands-CGIAR partnership launches call to finance PPP and Research Uptake expert

A call for a PPP and Research Uptake expert within the framework of the Netherlands – CGIAR partnership has been launched. The Dutch government considers Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Research Uptake to be crucial in achieving the SDGs. The expert is therefore intended to increase the role of the private sector (for-profit and not-for-profit) in CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) and Platforms. Deadline to apply for this position is October 18, 2018. »

Nourishing the SDGs
September 20, 2018Knowledge activity
Nourishing the SDGs
Theme: Nutrition Security

Partnerships tackling SDG2 and other development goals need to make deep commitments that are broad and target multiple wins. The “Nourishing the SDGs” session organized by NWGN at the SDG conference delivered this recommendation and many more. The objectives of the session were to discuss lessons learned from innovative partnerships across the so-called “Dutch Diamond” to advance SDG2, as well as to identify synergies and trade-offs for progress in other development goals. »

The Food Systems Approach: inspiring an innovative way for SDG2 impact?
September 20, 2018Expert opinion
The Food Systems Approach: inspiring an innovative way for SDG2 impact?
Theme: Food Systems Approach

The “Food Systems Approach” was one of the buzzwords of the WUR SDG conference of late August. There seemed to be consensus among speakers, panelists and participants that food systems need a transition. Future food systems need to deliver better: more food needs to be available and accessible for the growing, more urbanized world population, it needs to be part of a balanced, nutritious diet, and to be produced, processed and traded in new ways in order to cope with climate change and resource scarcity. »

YEP Effect 4, including the Talent Pool
September 19, 2018News
YEP Effect 4, including the Talent Pool

During the kick-off of batch 15 of Young Experts in Water and Agrofood on September 17, YEP Effect no. 4 was officially handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this edition special attention for the three Young Experts who started their international Agrofood careers at NL Embassies in Benin, Kenya and Rwanda through the Talent Pool. »

Metrics and programming in Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
September 17, 2018Knowledge activity
Metrics and programming in Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
Theme: Nutrition Security

Nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions have the potential to improve diets if the process includes ongoing monitoring and if the targets for Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture (NSA) programmes are realistic and focused. This is one of the key take-aways of a workshop and an expert meeting organized by NWGN. A brochure summarizing the outcomes of both events is now available online. »

Matchmaking and knowledge sharing between Dutch development programs and World Bank investments
September 17, 2018Expert opinion
Matchmaking and knowledge sharing between Dutch development programs and World Bank investments

Since 2015, the “Food for All” Partnership brings together the World Bank Group and civil society, academia, government, private sector, and other stakeholders from the Netherlands. Read here the interview with Wijnand van IJssel, a Dutch expert who is actually seconded at the Agriculture Global Practice within the World Bank in Washington to foster matchmaking and knowledge sharing. »