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February 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Fishing for proteins: How marine fisheries impact global food security up to 2050

This report by WWF Germany argues that sustainable managing of fishing is needed to answer to the increasing global demand for protein in the coming decades. If the situation doesn’t improve, millions of people may no longer be able to afford fish by 2050, particularly those in developing coastal countries. According to the projections made by this study, it will on the one hand be possible to fish approximately 112 million tons of fish around the world in 2050 if the current moderate level of fishery management effectiveness remains the same. »

February 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
The biodiversity advantage: Global benefits from smallholder actions

This report by IFAD shows how IFAD-supported projects are working with smallholder farmers to protect biodiversity in five countries. Poor rural people depend on natural resources for their livelihoods, relying on a range of natural assets from their ecosystems and biodiversity for food, fuel and much else. Productive and sustainable agricultural systems need clean water, healthy soil, and a variety of genetic resources and ecological processes. »

February 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Connecting smallholders to markets: an analytical guide

This analytical guide by CSM shows in what way policy recommendations illuminate the relationships of smallholders to markerts. The guide examines how small-scale food producers’ organisations and allied civil society can use the recommendations in their national and international advocacy and how they can work together with their governments to apply them in the context of national and regional policies and programmes. The authors argue that the policy recommendations illuminate the relationships of smallholders to markets in two main ways. »

February 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Promoting regional trade in pulses in the Horn of Africa

This note by ECDPM in collaboration with FAO discusses the opportunities and challenges to develop regional pulses value chain in the region, drawing from literature review and interviews with key stakeholders. Pulses are crucial in nutritious diets. Despite opportunities, pulses production and yields in Africa and the Horn remain lagging behind potential. The challenges in designing a coherent package of policies and investments to boost intra-regional trade discussed in this note will also be useful for other value chains. »

February 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Coffee and cocoa value chains: Gender dynamics in Peru and Nicaragua

This report assesses women’s and men’s participation in coffee and cocoa value chains in Latin America in order to identify key considerations and next steps for the development of research, policy and practice on value chain upgrading for enhanced smallholder prosperity. In particular, the report analyzes the differential roles that women and men play and the benefits they perceive from their participation in coffee and cocoa value chains. »

February 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Mapping the invisible: The informal food economy of Cape Town, South Africa

This report maps the informal food sector and argues that the sector is of significant importance for reaching improved nutrition status of people. The authors argue that the informal food retail sector is an important component of urban food systems and plays a vital role in ensuring access to food for the urban poor. »