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May 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agricultural leasing market scoping study for sub-Saharan Africa

This report applies a market systems approach to agricultural equipment leasing in sub-Saharan Africa in order to capture a holistic view of how the leasing market currently works. The study has analysed core market functions (supply and demand), as well as supporting market functions and the policy environment. »

April 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Study on small-scale family farming in the Near East and North Africa region.

This report provides an overview of a study conducted in the NENA region in 2015-2016 focusing on the features and characteristics of small-scale family farming. Defining policies to support small-scale family farming by fighting poverty in agricultural households cannot be reduced to intensifying farming or stock-breeding practices. »

April 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Assessing use of the Mazzican to transport and improve milk quality in Tanzania

This report presents results of field testing a new and affordable food grade plastic container (the “Mazzican“) to assess acceptability and validate its efficacy to improve the bacteriological quality of milk when it is used for handling and transportation of raw milk by agro-pastoralists and smallholder farmers. »

March 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global food policy report 2017

The Global Food Security Report is a yearly publication that provides a synthesis of all major developments regarding food policy. This edition pays special attention to the challenges of urbanization for food and nutrition security. »

March 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Enabling the business of agriculture

This report argues that better agriculture regulations in low and middle income countries could go a long way towards feeding the world’s growing population and improve farmers’ livelihoods around the world. The report states that, while many countries are already home to strong, commercially-oriented agriculture, more needs to be done. »

March 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Equipping young people to make a change in agriculture

This YPARD report provides one of the first comprehensive explorations of the impact mentoring can have both on young and senior agricultural professionals. A diversity of mentoring models were studied and in early 2015, YPARD decided that to understand how mentoring can best benefit its diverse global network, a number of different approaches to mentoring should be piloted – namely face to face, virtual, blended and group/peer mentoring. This report explores the outcomes, strengths and limitations of each approach. »