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July 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
Improving nutrition through enhanced food environments

This policy brief calls for a transformation of the food environment that promotes greater diversity, availability and safety of nutritious foods. The brief considers current evidence on what works, and provides recommendations for action that affect supply dynamics of the food system. »

July 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Public-public development cooperation

This report explores the potential added value of public-public cooperation between Dutch sub-national actors and their Sub-Saharan African counterparts. Over the past years, development cooperation policy in the Netherlands has become increasingly oriented towards facilitating private sector development and public-private partnerships (PPPs). As opposed to PPPs, decentralized public development cooperation has received relatively little attention. »

June 27, 2017Knowledge Portal
The impact of remittances in Lesotho, Malawi and Zimbabwe

This report provides an analysis on the impact of cross-border remittances on the lives of households in Malawi, Lesotho and Zimbabwe, and the role that access to financial services plays in shaping that impact. Authors argue that remittances play a complex role in poverty alleviation. »

June 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Responsible agriculture finance for smallholder farmers in Tanzania and Uganda

This report analyses input credit for smallholder farmers in Tanzania and Uganda. Agricultural inputs are provided on credit and the farmer reimburses the provider after harvest. Input credit products for farmers in Tanzania and Uganda are often ‘bundled’ with other compulsory services and fees. »

June 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
What holds vegetables farmers back? Conflict, governance and markets assessment making vegetable markets work for smallholders program

This report used a political economy analysis to provide a nuanced, contextual understanding of the vegetable market system in Myanmar. Overall, the research finds that vegetable farmers are highly vulnerable to a range of factors that limit their willingness to take on risks. This reduces the scope to innovate and to buy good quality inputs. These risks that farmers face should be reduced, for example by recognizing the constaints that farmers operate under, and condering how to promote sustainable and just contract farming. »

May 9, 2017Knowledge Portal
Reaping richer returns: Public spending priorities for African agriculture productivity growth

This report explores how effective, efficient and climate resilient public spending in and for agriculture can be the foundation for transformation and reducing poverty in Sub-Saharan African countries. Enhancing the productivity of agriculture is vital for Sub-Saharan Africa’s economic future and is one of the most important tools to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity in the region. »