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May 14, 2018Knowledge Portal
Identifying leading seed companies in Eastern and Southern Africa

This report evaluates the efforts of 22 leading seed companies in Eastern and Southern Africa, aimed at improving access to seeds for smallholder farmers. The seed sector in the region has high potential for growth. »

May 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security 2017

This report provides the latest data on the impact of disasters and crises on agriculture sectors. Standardizing disaster-related damage and loss assessments enables the monitoring of international targets and goals, and facilitates enhanced cooperation and coordination. »

May 2, 2018Knowledge Portal
The supermarket revolution and food security

This report examines the surprisingly high rate of supermarket patronage in low-income areas of Windhoek, Namibia. Result of an earlier survey showed that 83% of the households in low-income areas of Windhoek obtained at least some of their food through supermarket purchase. »

April 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agriculture , food security, and nutrition in Malawi: Leveraging the links

This report aims to answer the question: “How can Malawi better leverage its smallholder agriculture sector to improve nutrition?”  A critical message is the need to focus more strongly on diet quality as key goal for leveraging agriculture for improved nutrition and health.  »

April 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
The power to exercise choice: Implementing farmers’ rights to eradicate poverty and adapt to climate change

This report describes the main tools and achievements to realize farmers’ rights by empowering indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers to uphold their role in contributing to food security and strengthening their adaptive capacities. The key tool to realize farmers’ rights are farmer field schools. »

April 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Examples of research for development approaches to benefit the livestock sector in LMICs – ILRI’s approach

This report provides examples of how ILRI and its many partners are helping to meet specific SDGs. Targeted investment in sustainable livestock research for development can provide much more food to nourish the world’s rapidly growing population. »