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July 30, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural policy incentives in sub-Saharan Africa in the last decade (2005–2016)

This synthesis study summarizes policy monitoring indicators for 14 sub-Saharan African countries. These indicators are commonly used to assess the extent of policy support to agriculture. Results indicate increasing support to farmers in the form of price incentives. »

July 26, 2018
Understanding agribusiness-based advisory services: Findings of a learning trajectory

This report on the functioning of agribusiness-based agricultural advisory services to small-scale farmers. Advisory services are potentially important mechanisms for small and particularly medium farmers to improve the way they farm, increase the volume and quality of production and enhance their livelihoods. »

July 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Scoping study to strengthen the Technical Vocational Education and Training in the Dairy Sector in East Africa

This study assessed the need, relevance, priorities, limitations and possible modalities of an East African Dairy Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) project. Potential for Netherlands support to have impact at scale would be to support a range of interested training organizations. »

July 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
Food security, resilience and well-being analysis of refugees and host communities in northern Uganda

This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the refugees’ food security, well-being and resilience in Northern Uganda. Although refugees in Uganda are given land and mobility rights, their food security remains low, with a high dependency of food aid. »

July 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
The food systems approach: sustainable solutions for a sufficient supply of healthy food

A food systems approach (FSA) is a useful interdisciplinary conceptual framework for research and policy aimed at sustainable solutions for the sufficient supply of healthy food. The aim of this paper is twofold: to explain the term ‘food systems approach’ in greater detail, and to show how a food systems conceptual framework can be useful in developing an integrated international policy on food security, nutritional security and international agri-business. »

June 27, 2018Knowledge Portal
Rural migration in Tunisia: Drivers and patterns of rural youth migration and its impact on food security and rural livelihoods in Tunisia

This report by The Migration Policy Centre and FAO, addresses the determinants of migration and mobility, the patterns and types of rural youth outmigration and the impact of rural youth migration on food security and rural livelihoods and societies in origin regions in Tunisia.  Given the key role of agriculture both as a preferred sector for transnational engagement of migrants and as a targeted domain of activity and investment upon future return, policies focusing on migration and rural development could address both these forms of diaspora mobilisation. »