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September 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
SOFI 2018: Building climate resilience for food and nutrition security

This annual report ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World’ presents progress towards ending hunger and improving malnutrition. A focus is on building climate resilience for food and nutrition security. Exposure to climate extremes is threatening to reverse gains made in ending hunger and malnutrition. »

September 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor 2018

This report presents an examination of the recent trends, current status, and future outlook of African agricultural trade in global and regional markets. The analyses demonstrate undeniable improvements in Africa’s trade performance since the late 1990s. Nevertheless, progress has been uneven. »

September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Africa Agriculture Status Report 2018: Catalyzing government capacity to drive agricultural transformation

The Africa agriculture status report of 2018 focusses on the role of state capacity and political will in achieving agricultural transformation in Africa. African countries understand what should be done to trigger transformation, but are faced with capacity constraints that limit their ability to transform. »

August 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Access to nutrition index 2018

This report published the Access To Nutrition Index to track the contribution food and beverage manufacturers make to delivering better diets worldwide. Many companies have stepped up their efforts to contribute to better diets over the last two years. »

August 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Opportunities and challenges for research on food and nutrition security and agriculture in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe

These four reports highlight opportunities and challenges for research on food and nutrition security and agriculture in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. An overarching lesson is that science, technology and innovation are key in agricultural development and food and nutrition security. »

August 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Conflict and hunger: Breaking a vicious cycle

This report presents the findings and recommendations from a series of seminars on the link between conflict and hunger. Preventing conflict, mitigating its negative impacts on food security and establishing sustainable, resilient and inclusive food systems requires a multi-disciplinary response. »