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November 1, 2018Knowledge Portal
Open Source Seed networking: Towards a global community of seed commons

This report provides an overview of the state of affairs: what is Open Source Seed, what is happening on the ground, what are the results so far, and what are the open questions. The Open Source Seed network consists of self-organised plant breeding and seed sharing/selling communities that aim to retain and regain freedom to act in a now highly asymmetric landscape. »

October 31, 2018Knowledge Portal
Sustainable agricultural mechanization: A framework for Africa

This report presents priority elements for national strategies for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa. Long-term commitment by key stakeholders in policy, strategy formulation, implementation and financing is critical to its success. »

October 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
The state of food and agriculture 2018: Migration, agriculture and rural development

The key focus of this year’s SOFA report is rural migration, which constitutes a considerable portion of both internal and international migration flows. Policy coherence between migration and agriculture and rural development policies essential to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration. »

October 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
What works to increase smallholder farmers’ income? A landscape review

This report aims to answer the question: “What are the most effective actions that lead buyers can take to enable smallholder farmers in global supply chains to meaningfully increase their incomes?”. Results showed  that it is possible to raise farmer incomes through existing interventions to a degree.  »

October 22, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agriculture as an engine of economic reconstruction and development in fragile countries

This briefing focuses on agriculture as an engine of economic reconstruction and development in fragile countries.The role of agriculture and food has a particular resonance in fragile and conflict states. Smallholder farming can form the basis of peace-building. »

October 18, 2018Knowledge Portal
The rise of the seed-producing cooperative in Western and Central Africa

This report evaluated seed-producing cooperatives across Western and Central Africa to explore whether farmer-led cooperatives can play a role delivering new varieties of seeds into the hands of farmers. Seed-producing cooperatives are increasingly being formally recognized as producers of certified seed.  »