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September 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
Forestry for food security and nutrition

This position paper provides policy recommendations to safeguard and improve the contributions of the forestry sector to food security and nutrition. The relative neglect of the forestry sector compared with other forms of agriculture by policymakers, means that the potential for the sector to play a greater role in securing food security remains great. »

August 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Urbanization, rural transformation, and food security

This position paper gives policy recommendations to meet the challenge of improving food security and nutrition in the context of changing rural-urban dynamics. Policies and interventions have to adopt an integrated approach to development, dealing with rural and urban regions as part of a unified continuum of food systems. »

August 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Post-harvest loss reduction: A value chain perspective on the impact of post-harvest management in attaining economically and environmentally sustainable food chains

This report aims to provide insight in the potential impact of postharvest management (PHM) on the following themes: 1) food security, 2) food safety, 3) economic revenues, 4) employment, and 5) climate footprint. The key message was that PHM contributes to the improvement of availability, quality and safety of perishable food products. »

August 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender mainstreaming in agribusiness partnerships: Insights from 2SCALE

This paper shares 2SCALE ‘s approach to gender, highlights case studies, and outlines lessons learned. Since its inception in 2012, 2SCALE has made significant progress in getting the whole program team to mainstream gender in their activities. »

July 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender analysis of women’s economic empowerment: summary of findings Kenya

This learning document describes the outcomes of a gender analysis of women’s economic empowerment in Kenya. Recommendations from the programme were, among others: reduce women’s time spent on domestic chores; invest in group enterprises to bring credit within reach of women; encourage male engagement in women empowerment; and utilize technology and innovative methods to improve women’s access to information on pricing and markets.  »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Inclusive agribusiness

These six papers explore some of the key themes in inclusive agribusiness. The papers discuss enabling policy environments, access to finance, gender, multi-stakeholder partnerships, inclusive business models in agriculture and systemic approaches to inclusive agribusiness. »