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September 16, 2016Knowledge Portal
Livestock development and climate change: The benefits of advanced greenhouse gas inventories

This booklet by CGIAR shows how advanced inventory methods (Tier 2) can support climate change and productivity goals and help broaden countries’ policy options. Livestock development and climate change outcomes can support each other. More productive and efficient farm systems generally produce food at much lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of product. However, many countries use simple (Tier 1) methods for estimating livestock emissions in their GHG inventories. »

August 12, 2016Knowledge Portal
Integrated community food production. A compendium of climate-resilient agriculture options

This booklet by CGIAR is compendium of best practices that brings together practical ecologically sound and nutrition-sensitive approaches to improving the productivity of backyard, community and family farms. With the increasing awareness of the importance of safe and healthy diets, there is a resurgence of interest in these complementary pathways to household level food security. »

August 10, 2016Knowledge Portal
GODAN Success stories issue 1

Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition (GODAN), published its first issue of the Success Stories brochure (PDF). In this issue, fifteen success stories are shared on the use of open data for agriculture and nutrition. GODAN supports the proactive sharing of open data to make information about agriculture and nutrition available, accessible and usable to deal with the urgent challenge of ensuring world food security. »

June 20, 2016Knowledge Portal
Climate solutions that work for farmers

This book by The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is offering 14 best practises and policies that increase agricultural productivity and farmers’ resilience to climate change. Key ingredients for success can be distilled out of these cases, such as active farmer participation and youth attraction. Projects which involve high levels of initial investment or drudgery, fail to attract young people, and are costly in terms of time and labour are unlikely to be successful. »

May 4, 2016Knowledge Portal
Is inclusive business for you? Managing and upscaling an inclusive company – lessons from the field

This publication by the Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) and The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) provides readers with a valuable understanding of how agri-food markets can contribute to food security and rural poverty reduction, while still building profitable commercial relations. The report gives the outcomes of the ‘From Islands of Success to Seas of Change’ initiative on scaling inclusive agri-food markets. »

August 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Life stories of African women and young professionals in science

This booklet by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), takes a look at the life stories of 12 remarkable African agricultural scientists who are making a difference on the continent and internationally. »