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West Africa

March 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Developing climate-smart agriculture to face climate variability in West Africa: Challenges and lessons learnt

This paper reviews the prospects for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) development and promotion in West Africa, as well as lessons learnt and challenges with a focus on climate change and variability. CSA seems to be a suitable approach to address the challenges of building synergies among climate change mitigation, adaptation and food security and minimize their potential negative trade-offs. »

March 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Inclusion of gender in Africa’s climate change policies and strategies

This article aims at reviewing climate change related policies and strategies in East and West Africa through a gendered lens. The article examined commonality in policies, while recognizing the complexity in the social, economic and ecological systems of each country. »

December 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Rural Africa in motion. Dynamics and drivers of migration south of the Sahara

This atlas offers a comprehensive analysis of the existing migration patterns as well as the diverse and multifaceted factors that impact on migration practices. Sub-Saharan Africa has a long history of internal and international migratory movements. Migration patterns and dynamics from, to and between rural areas are profoundly differentiated across regions, and flows have considerably evolved over time. Yet, more recently, rural migration takes place in the unique situation of a major rural and urban demographic increase. »

November 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Africa is conquering its domestic food markets

This paper is the result of the study on domestic food markets in West Africa, Cameroon and Chad. Food systems in sub-Saharan Africa have changed in recent decades, and many observers have failed to keep up. The results reveal the considerable importance of the domestic food markets compared to the export markets. »

November 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Climate-smart agriculture technologies in West Africa: learning from the ground AR4D experiences

This thematic series contains seven papers based on participatory action research in West-Africa. This research aimed to test and validate scalable climate-smart village models for agricultural development that integrate a range of innovative agricultural risk management strategies. »

July 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Improving accountability in agricultural investments: Reflections from legal empowerment initiatives in West Africa

This report focuses on the role of legal empowerment and grass root action to change the way investments in natural resources are happening and to protect rights and the environment to ensure more sustainability. A recent surge in agribusiness plantation deals has increased pressures on land in many low- and middle-income countries. »