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September 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Beyond the hype: Mobile phones and the web to improve agricultural value chains

This technical brief summarizes the lessons learned from seven ICT4Ag projects, offering key recommendations for future projects. The brief highlights the importance of understanding users’ needs by interacting with potential clients before designing an app and then pilot-testing it to fine tune the services provided. »

August 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender mainstreaming in agribusiness partnerships: Insights from 2SCALE

This paper shares 2SCALE ‘s approach to gender, highlights case studies, and outlines lessons learned. Since its inception in 2012, 2SCALE has made significant progress in getting the whole program team to mainstream gender in their activities. »

July 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
The power of multi-sectoral governance to address malnutrition

This technical brief shares learning of the Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4A) project related to the importance of multi-sectoral governance to address malnutrition and scale-up projects. The brief presents results from the SN4A model in Uganda and Zambia. »

July 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustainable land management in practice in the Kagera Basin: Lessons learned for scaling up at landscape level

This book provides insights into sustainable land management in the Kagera Basin, shared by Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda. It showcases how land degradation can be successfully challenged and climate change can be coped with through sustainable landscape planning and management. »

July 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Negative evaluation of conservation agriculture: Perspectives from African smallholder farmers

This article explores the reasons why farmers chose not to implement conservation agriculture (CA). Despite more than three decades of promotion, CA has not been widely adopted by smallholder farmer in sub-Saharan Africa. »

June 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Responsible agriculture finance for smallholder farmers in Tanzania and Uganda

This report analyses input credit for smallholder farmers in Tanzania and Uganda. Agricultural inputs are provided on credit and the farmer reimburses the provider after harvest. Input credit products for farmers in Tanzania and Uganda are often ‘bundled’ with other compulsory services and fees. »