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January 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Rural-urban linkages: Syngergies, threats and limitations

This magazine provides advices and examples of best practices as well as failures to bridge the gap between rural and urban regions. The United Nations New Urban Agenda implies changing diets and thus the need to include sustainable food systems for the cities. So the rural areas have to transform in parallel. »

May 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Small-scale poultry and food security in resource-poor settings

This article reviews how small-scale poultry can contribute to improved household food and nutrition security. Small-scale poultry production systems are mostly found in rural, resource-poor areas that often also experience food insecurity. These poultry systems are accessible to vulnerable groups of society, and provide households with income and nutritionally-rich food sources. »

October 17, 2016Knowledge Portal
Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture: How innovations in market institutions encourage sustainable agriculture in developing countries

The FAO and the INRA undertook a survey of innovative approaches that enable markets to act as incentives in the transition towards sustainable agriculture in developing countries.15 cases from around the world provide insights into how small-scale initiatives that use sustainable production practices are supported by market demand, and create innovations in the institutions that govern sustainable practices and market exchanges. The study concludes with four results on how market based solutions can help with the transition towards sustainable agriculture. »

August 10, 2016Knowledge Portal
GODAN Success stories issue 1

Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition (GODAN), published its first issue of the Success Stories brochure (PDF). In this issue, fifteen success stories are shared on the use of open data for agriculture and nutrition. GODAN supports the proactive sharing of open data to make information about agriculture and nutrition available, accessible and usable to deal with the urgent challenge of ensuring world food security. »

December 22, 2015Knowledge Portal
Price stabilization and impacts of trade liberalization in the Southeast Asian rice market

This article investigates the impact of trade liberalization in major rice trading countries of Southeast Asia. It focus its attention on the price stabilization mechanism that were adopted by governments in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. »

October 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Success stories on information and communication technologies for agriculture and rural development

This publication presents seven case studies in innovative use of emerging technologies to significantly improve the living standards of farming communities. Information and communication technologies have provided opportunities to address challenges to improve agricultural production and productivity, and enhance value chains. »