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April 16, 2020Knowledge Portal
Effects of violent political conflict on the supply, demand and fragmentation of fresh food markets

This study analysed consequences of conflict on economic and physical access to food, as this is one of the core aspects often being reported to be impeded in during conflict escalations causing transitory food insecurity. The findings suggest that it is access to food in the given case that is more severely impeded by conflict than availability. »

March 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Recurring storms: food insecurity, political instability, and conflict

This report by CSIS reviews the prospects for increasing food security and links this to the polictical instability and conflict situations that comes with it.The experiences of post-conflict countries highlight some critical issues that need to be prioritized in order to regain sustainable food security. Averting future storms will require the recognition that food security challenges will extend long beyond 2030, political leadership must be visibly committed to these issues, and actions to reduce fragmentation of effort will be critical. »

March 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Islamic microfinance: Unlocking new potential to fight rural poverty

This paper highlights the role of Islamic microfinance as an instrument in tackling rural poverty in Muslim countries. It describes key features of Islamic microfinance and describes Islamic microfinance contract modalities in Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, and Bosnia and Herzegovina »