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September 15, 2020Knowledge Portal
Impact of COVID-19 on smallholder farmers, producer organizations and MFIs in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Senegal

This insight brief draws together findings resulting from a study investigating the diverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions on smallholder farmers and microfinance institutions (MFIs). »

June 11, 2020Knowledge Portal
Land access in the development of horticultural crops in East Africa: A case study of passion fruit in Burundi, Kenya and Rwanda

This research evaluated land access dynamics (availability, acquisition, and use changes) on the introduction of passion fruits in East Africa (Kenya, Burundi and Rwanda). aAdoption of high-value horticultural crops is supported for the increased income of rural farmers in East Africa, however, constraints on land access may limit the achievement of optimum income from the cultivation of these crops. »

February 27, 2020Knowledge Portal
Financial services for women: The maize and bean value chains in Rwanda

This report analyses the position of women in the maize and bean value chains in Rwanda, as well as the current and potential role of financial service providers (FSPs) in strengthening the positioning of women in these chains. »

January 6, 2020Knowledge Portal
N2Africa: Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

This magazine shares a collection of articles with lessons learned of the N2Africa project. The N2Africa project is a research project that aims to improve the quality and yields of grain legume crops and thereby strengthening the economic position of smallholder farmers. It does so by putting nitrogen fixation to work. »

November 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Reach, benefit and empower women with financial services

This paper analyzed three cases on women’s access to financial services in agriculture and revealed that an increased access empowered women. Recommended is to develop a focus on female clients, starting by a proper market analysis, and to use communication channels that women are familiar with »

August 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Contract farming and public−private partnerships in aquaculture

This paper explores some aspects of contract farming with public–private partnerships that combine the expertise and profitability goals of the private sector with the enabling policies of governments. Contract farming (CF) has demonstrated its positive impact as an institutional innovation. Even smallholders can benefit: by reducing – if not eliminating –transaction costs, CF provides markets, finance and technology to smallholders. »