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September 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Toward SDG 2: Food security and urbanization in the Global South

This policy brief argues that urban food insecurity is significantly distinct from rural food insecurity and that therefore insecurity in urban areas must be addressed through a different set of policies. It provides policy suggestions for national governments in the Global South on how to improve sustainable, healthy food access in urban areas, and identifies issues that need to be addressed. »

September 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Innovation platforms to improve smallholder dairying in India and Tanzania

This report by ILRI reflects on the potential role of innovation platforms as spaces to identify and spread useful innovations associated with dairy production and feeding. It draws examples from MilkIT, a project to promote milk production in India and Tanzania. The idea of innovation platforms is introduced and it is shown how they can »

September 8, 2015Knowledge Portal
Shifting cultivation, livelihood and food security: New and old challenges for indigenous peoples in Asia

This extended report showcases the changes in livelihood and food security among indigenous shifting cultivation communities in South and Southeast Asia. It focuses on the challenges for indigenous peoples in countries that experience rapid socio-economic transformations with case studies from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal and Thailand. The case studies identify external and internal factors that hinder and facilitate livelihood creation and food security. »

August 26, 2015Knowledge Portal
Policy incoherence in smallholder dairying in Bihar, India

This discussion paper (PDF) by CGIAR, explores the dairy innovation system of Bihar mainly to explore the critical bottlenecks in the policy environment that constrain smallholder dairying in the state. »

June 29, 2015Knowledge Portal
Information networks among women and men and the demand for an agricultural technology in India

In this discussion paper by The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), agricultural information networks among men and women are analyzed by using gender-disaggregated social network data from Uttar Pradesh, India. »

April 20, 2015Knowledge Portal
Food riots and food rights: the moral and political economy of accountability for hunger

This report (PDF) synthesises the findings from four country case studies produced for the DFID-ESRC project. The paper explores causes and consequences of food-related riots and right-to-food movements in Bangladesh, India, Kenya and Mozambique in the period 2007-2012. »