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November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
An assessment of constraints faced by the farmers in peri-urban vegetable cultivation

This article identifies key production constraints faced in peri-urban vegetable cultivation in India. The constraints in practicing peri-urban agriculture were enlisted from practicing farmers, agricultural scientists, and also from literature. Further, all the identified constraints were categorized into five groups: technological, economic, labour, marketing and environmental constraints. »

November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
Technology adoption and value chains in developing countries: Evidence from dairy in India

This article analyzes farm-level technology adoption in the dairy chain in India. Adoption of modern technologies in agriculture is crucial for improving productivity and welfare of poor farmers in developing countries. Not much is known about how value chains do (not) affect technology transfer and/or adoption in food chains in developing countries. »

November 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Women, village chickens, and animal source food consumption in Timor-Leste

This blog discusses promotors and inhibitors of animal source food consumption in rural households. It focuses on the links between village chickens, maternal and child diets, and nutritional status in Timor-Leste. »

November 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Building resilience through sustainable groundwater use

This brief elaborates on the importance of sustainable groundwater use and management for improved agricultural production. The authors argue that using groundwater for agricultural production has the potential to build resilience in food insecure regions of the world. »

October 31, 2017Knowledge Portal
Picture-based crop insurance: Is it feasible? Is it sustainable?

This blog examines the feasibility and sustainability of picture-based crop insurance. By taking regular pictures of their crops on smartphones, farmers can reliably document damage after a natural calamity and provide evidence that the crop was managed appropriately until that point. »

October 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Reducing food loss in agricultural development projects through value chain efficiency

This working paper examines how reducing food loss and waste (FLW) impacts emissions in the context of agricultural development progress. By investigating food losses within Feed the Future, the research team had the unique opportunity to study FLW interventions across 20 value chains in 12 countries. »