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June 29, 2015Knowledge Portal
Information networks among women and men and the demand for an agricultural technology in India

In this discussion paper by The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), agricultural information networks among men and women are analyzed by using gender-disaggregated social network data from Uttar Pradesh, India. »

June 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
SME Internationalization through global value chains and free trade agreements: Malaysian evidence

This paper (PDF) by the Asian Development Bank Institute examines the characteristics of SMEs in in global value chains (GVCs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) and explores the policy implications. It finds that among SMEs, firm size matters for participation in GVCs and FTAs. But size is not the whole story for SME internationalization. Licensing »

June 11, 2015Knowledge Portal
Gender opportunities and constraints in inclusive business models: the case study of Unifrutti in Mindanao, Philippines

This publication (PDF) by FAO adds to the debate around whether private investment in agriculture contributes to production growth, poverty reduction, food security and gender equality by case studies in the Philippines. Data and information were collected via key informant interviews, focus group discussions and direct observation. The report shows that investment models and contractual arrangements implemented by Unifrutti – a major private company producer, processor and exporter of pineapple and banana in the Mindanao Region – have had positive implications for the livelihood of the rural communities involved. »

June 8, 2015Knowledge Portal
Seed laws that criminalise farmers: resistance and fightback

This paper by La Via Campesina and GRAIN is further exploring seed laws and legislative processes. They explore how seed laws make farmers’ seeds illegal and which types of seed laws are promoted by the industry. Furthermore, special attention is paid to the struggles of farmers with examples from Africa, America, Asia and Europe. »

June 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
CARE’s dairy value chain: Making markets work for smallholder farmers in Bangladesh

In this book by CARE: Making Markets More Inclusive, in-depth, behind-the-scenes lessons are highlighted from CARE’s work in the dairy value chain in northwest Bangladesh. The book provides a top five of lessons on how to make markets work. »

May 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
Small and medium enterprises in agriculture value chain: opportunities and recommendations

This report by Shujog, commissioned by Oxfam, analyses the effectiveness of development programs in addressing challenges faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the agriculture sector in Asia. The purpose of this report is to inform the decision-making of development programs that aim to catalyze the growth of Social Enterprises (SEs) in agriculture and »