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June 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Helping women control their financial lives through digital financial services

This expert opinion discusses how digital financial services (DFS) can help women to control their financial lives. One important benefit of DFS to women is privacy. »

June 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
For Ethiopia’s farmers, landscape management and tenure lead to more resilience and income

This blog discusses the impact of the Sustainable Land Management Program. This is an innovative approach to restoring degraded land, which combines security of tenure for Ethiopia’s farmers with better management of the country’s natural resources. »

June 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Digitisation: Game changer for rural Africa?

This issue presents technologies and initiatives with practical relevance, that bear a potential for up-scaling, are locally adapted and can above all benefit small-scale farmers and the young generation. »

June 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Trade-offs for climate-resilient pastoral livelihoods in wildlife conservancies in the Mara ecosystem, Kenya

This article investigates the ability of wildlife conservancies in Kenya, to act as an alternative for pastoralists that mitigates risks and maintains resilience in a changing climate. The paper analyses how conservancies contribute to and integrate with pastoral livelihoods, and how pastoralists are managing their livestock herds in response to conservancies. »

June 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Africa’s youth employment challenge: New perspectives

This issue of the IDS Bulletin reflects challenges to youth employment in Africa and demonstrates how political context shapes youth-related policy. It illustrates the need for critical reflection on the multiple and divergent meanings of work and highlight an urgent need to rethink interventions that promote entrepreneurship. »

June 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agriculture, food systems, diets and nutrition in Zambia

This discussion paper describes the potential of agriculture and food systems in Zambia to contribute to improving food and nutrition security. National nutrition and agricultural policy in Zambia recognizes the need to increase and diversify the production of nutritious foods to tackle hunger and improve diets. »