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September 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Socioeconomic impacts of innovative dairy supply chain practices: The case of the Laiterie du Berger in the Senegalese Sahel

This article analyzes the Laiterie Du Berger (LDB)’s milk supply chain and its contribution to strengthening the food security and socioeconomic resources of Senegalese Sahelian pastoral households. »

August 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender, climate change, and resilient food systems: Lessons from strategic adaptation by smallholder farmers in Cameroon

This discussion paper aims to understand how men and women in Cameroon differ in their vulnerability to and their coping strategies for climate change impacts. According to respondents, climate variables such as the timing and length of the rainy season had changed, affecting crop production of both men and women. Women were shown to be more vulnerable than men. »

August 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustaining soil functions in agro-ecosystems

This special issue of the journal Agronomy aims to demonstrate judicious farming systems, where environmentally-sound practices are utilized, simultaneously maintaining soil functions, supporting environmental quality, and sustaining agricultural productivity. »

August 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender mainstreaming in agribusiness partnerships: Insights from 2SCALE

This paper shares 2SCALE ‘s approach to gender, highlights case studies, and outlines lessons learned. Since its inception in 2012, 2SCALE has made significant progress in getting the whole program team to mainstream gender in their activities. »

August 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Not by technology and money alone: The importance of functional capacity strengthening in agribusiness partnerships

This collection of case studies gives insights into the 2SCALE project, through 15 stories in four countries (Benin, Ghana, Mali and Nigeria), focusing on ten commodities. »

August 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
Supermarket shopping and nutritional outcomes: A panel data analysis for urban Kenya

This article examines the effects of supermarkets on consumer diets and nutrition in Kenya. Rising obesity rates in developing countries are the result of changes in people’s diets and lifestyles. Modernizing food retail environments may also play a certain role. »