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March 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
The impact of remittances on household food security: A micro perspective from Tigray, Ethiopia

This working paper examines the impact of remittances on farm household’s food security status in two livelihood zones of Ethiopia. The findings of the study suggest that remittances lower the frequency and severity of coping strategies. »

March 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Performance of emerging dairy services agri-enterprises: A case study of youth-led service provider enterprises

This study assessed the performance of Service Provider Enterprise (SPE) to establish the extent to which the model offers business options for youth in agriculture. SPE is an innovative youth-led business model in which young men and women form groups to offer commercial support services to farmers. »

February 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural innovation and inclusive value-chain development: A review

This paper aims to review the knowledge about inclusive value-chain development (VCD) in the context of international agricultural research and draw out implications for future research and action. »

February 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Small-scale poultry and food security in resource-poor settings: A review

This review highlights the multitude of avenues through which small-scale poultry production can contribute to improved household food and nutrition security in low- and middle-income countries with limited resources (resource-poor settings).  »

February 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Sustaining Peace Webinar I – The role of conflict-sensitive natural resource management approaches

This webinar by FAO explores the nexus between conflict, food security and peace. It examined the linkages between natural resource management, investment in resilient agricultural livelihoods and contributions to peacebuilding and sustaining peace. »

February 8, 2018Knowledge Portal
Youth involvement in agribusiness: Examples from Africa

This blog by The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) suggests that agribusiness can provide jobs for young people and help African countries achieve development goals. The blog highlights several successful youth-owned agribusinesses examples. It also builds on this online discussion: Engaging African Youth in Agribusiness in a Changing Climate, a platform to discuss critical issues facing African youths. »