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August 29, 2018Knowledge Portal
Urban food security in the context of inequality and dietary change: A study of school children in Accra

This study explores food security in the context of inequality and dietary change in schoolchildren in Accra.It shows that socio-economic status is a critical dimension of food security and consumption. Urban food security is defined by two phenomena: intra-urban inequality and global dietary change. »

August 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
Gender norms and agency in the Ethiopian agriculture sector: Policy brief

This policy brief examines gender norms relating to behaviour, innovation, technology, and agency in four Ethiopian villages. Gender inequality negatively impacts economy, food and nutrition security, women’s wellbeing, and child welfare, but can be reduced by building on good practices and creating equitable learning. »

August 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Opportunities and challenges for research on food and nutrition security and agriculture in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe

These four reports highlight opportunities and challenges for research on food and nutrition security and agriculture in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. An overarching lesson is that science, technology and innovation are key in agricultural development and food and nutrition security. »

August 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
How digital apps and services are boosting rural youth employment

In this blog by FAO, several digitial innovations examples are mentioned that are stimulating youth back to agriculture. There are already new ways of working in agriculture that harnesses digital and technological innovations, rendering it more efficient and, not as a small byproduct, providing new opportunities and services for young entrepreneurs. »

August 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Linking smallholder vegetable producers to markets: A comparison of a vegetable producer group and a contract-farming arrangement in the Lushoto District of Tanzania

This study compares a farmer-based organization and a contract farming approach, as ways to link smallholder vegetable producers to markets. For several decades there has been a growing interest in institutional arrangements to link smallholder farmers to markets. »

August 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
Realising the potential of agribusiness to reduce youth unemployment in Ethiopia

This policy brief by the IDS highlights the potential of agribusiness for youth in Ethiopia and highlights the gaps that need to be addressed for further success. Agribusiness in Ethiopia has grown significantly in the last 20 years, and this growth is set to continue. This transition presents opportunities to address the country’s high youth unemployment and for agribusinesses to participate in global, regional, and local markets.  »