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September 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Do Dairy Market Hubs improve smallholder farmers’ income? The case of dairy farmers in the Tanga and Morogoro regions of Tanzania

This paper examines the effect of dairy market hubs (DMHs) on smallholder farmers’ income. The results indicate that participation in DMHs increased household dairy income by 4.07 percentage points on average for the period 2014 to 2016. »

September 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Drivers and patterns of rural youth migration and its impact on food security and rural livelihoods in Tunisia

This report addresses the determinants of migration and mobility, the patterns and types of rural youth migration and the impact on rural livelihoods, food security, agriculture and development in rural areas in Tunisia. International migrants often have higher educational levels than non-migrants. »

September 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor 2018

This report presents an examination of the recent trends, current status, and future outlook of African agricultural trade in global and regional markets. The analyses demonstrate undeniable improvements in Africa’s trade performance since the late 1990s. Nevertheless, progress has been uneven. »

September 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Women’s empowerment in agriculture and agricultural productivity: Evidence from rural maize farmer households in western Kenya

This study examines the effects of women’s empowerment in agriculture on maize productivity, which may have differential effects depending on whether a plot is managed jointly by a man and a woman, or individually. A positive relationship between maize productivity and women’s empowerment in agriculture is shown. »

September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Urban food systems governance and poverty in African cities

This book aims to improve our understanding of the connections between urban poverty, food systems, household food security and governance, by focusing on three cities in sub-Saharan Africa. The book argues that an examination of the food system and food security provides a valuable lens to interrogate urban poverty. »

September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Africa Agriculture Status Report 2018: Catalyzing government capacity to drive agricultural transformation

The Africa agriculture status report of 2018 focusses on the role of state capacity and political will in achieving agricultural transformation in Africa. African countries understand what should be done to trigger transformation, but are faced with capacity constraints that limit their ability to transform. »