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October 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
What is the role of men in connecting women to cash crop markets? Evidence from Uganda

This paper aims to to shed light on whether an intervention targeted at men can achieve increases in women’s market participation in agriculture.These results suggest that simple encouragement can be an effective tool to nudge men to include their wives in household commercial activities.  »

October 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Empowering women in integrated crop-livestock farming through innovation platforms: Experience in semi-arid Zimbabwe

This brief proposes that engaging women through innovation platforms in the inclusive processes of technology and market development can accelerate transitions towards greater sustainability, food security, nutrition, education and health. Innovation platforms are important to keep the dialog open. »

October 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Transforming agriculture in Africa & Asia: What are the policy priorities?

This report summarizes government policies and public investments that have driven agricultural transformation in Africa, Asia and Latin America. A key finding is that the availability and fertility of agricultural land and population dynamics are core to the role of agriculture in economic transformation. »

October 9, 2018Knowledge Portal
Making markets work for indigenous vegetables: Towards a sustainable food system in the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya

This paper looks at how to increase awareness and willingness of consumer to buy indigenous vegetables, and to ultimately make markets work for them. One way to increase awareness would be to create labels or certificates to signal to consumer the sustainability benefits of indigenous vegetables. »

September 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Regionalisation in poultry development in Eastern Africa

 This study and learning trajectory by WUR and NABC analyses the way in which national poultry value chains in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda are influenced by the dependency on inputs from and market outlets in other countries in the region. »

September 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Opportunities for digital financial services in the cocoa value chain in Côte d’Ivoire: Insights from new data

This research focuses specifically on mobile money accounts and discusses how these have already expanded financial inclusion in Côte d’Ivoire, and how mobile money could help deliver products to cocoa farmers that meet their needs. Encouraging good financial practices would be of great benefit to many cocoa farmers. »