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value chains

August 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Post-harvest loss reduction: A value chain perspective on the impact of post-harvest management in attaining economically and environmentally sustainable food chains

This report aims to provide insight in the potential impact of postharvest management (PHM) on the following themes: 1) food security, 2) food safety, 3) economic revenues, 4) employment, and 5) climate footprint. The key message was that PHM contributes to the improvement of availability, quality and safety of perishable food products. »

Vacancies at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation
August 16, 2017News
Vacancies at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI) stands for ‘Knowledge in Action’ and supports organizations and people to strengthen their capacity for sustainable development. WCDI is currently looking for a Livestock Value Chains Advisor and for a Food and Nutrition Security Advisor. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Nutrition sensitive value chains: Theory, progress, and open questions

This article takes a consumer focus on the value chains to consider the types of interventions that could lead to improved intakes of micronutrient-rich foods. Additionally, it reviews the present literature on the types of value chain assessments, interventions, and initiatives that are attempting to improve nutrition as well as potential future directions. »

Food for All Talk 04 “Exploring public-private solutions to Agri-Food Value Chains”
July 20, 2017Knowledge activity
Food for All Talk 04 “Exploring public-private solutions to Agri-Food Value Chains”

On June 29, the fourth Food for All Talk (#FFATalks) under the WBG-NL Partnership took place, entitled “Exploring Public-Private Solutions to Agri-Food Value Chains”. Jan Ubels of the Dutch PPPLab presented various examples of applying public-private partnerships to agricultural sector transformation. »

June 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Livestock and household nutrition

This learning series tackles a broad set of issues affecting the design, implementation and monitoring of livestock development interventions intended to improve impact on household nutrition. With several webinars and presentation the series provides insights and lessons learned from several programmes. »

May 24, 2017Knowledge Portal
Digitizing value chain finance for smallholder farmers

This focus note explores opportunities and emerging models in digital value chain finance. Particularly it looks at new technologies that can break down barriers to delivering financial services to a greater number of smallholder farmers. The authors identify three key use cases for digitizing financial services in agricultural value chains. »