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rural women

June 9, 2016Knowledge Portal
What do we mean by ‘Women’s crops’? Commercialisation, gender and the power to name

This article gives a nuanced analysis of changing gender roles in the commercialization of “women’s crops”. The authors explore the relationship between commercialization and gender for groundnuts in Eastern Province, Zambia, using a mixed methods approach. Women saw themselves as having greater control over groundnuts than other crops, and both sexes saw groundnuts as controlled by women. »

October 20, 2015Knowledge Portal
Analysis of participation of women in horticultural activities

This article investigates the involvement of rural women in various horticultural activities. A survey was conducted with 300 respondents of six villages of two districts of Odisha. The present study concludes that women play a significant and crucial role in production of various horticultural crops. Participation of women was higher in various production and post production activities of vegetables than of fruits and flowers. »

August 5, 2015Knowledge Portal
Running out of time: the reduction of women’s work burden in agricultural production

This publication (PDF) by FAO discusses rural women’s time poverty in agriculture, elaborates on its possible causes and implications and provides insight into the various types of constraints that affect the adoption of solutions for reducing work burden. »

May 19, 2015Knowledge Portal
Supporting women’s agro-enterprises in Africa with ICT: a feasibility study in Zambia and Kenya

This publication (PDF) by the World Bank views ICTs as potentially transformative technology for rural development. The paper examines how ICT-based interventions might be designed to strengthen women’s participation in commodity value chains under the two projects. »

March 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
The Gender advantage: women on the front line of climate change

This report compiles the experiences of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in their work to close the gender gap and mobilise women in climate change adaptation programmes and projects. The paper shows that successful adaptation to climate change means recognizing the role of women smallholder farmers. »