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From food security towards a resilient society
May 19, 2016Study
From food security towards a resilient society
Theme: Food security and stability

The discussion paper “From food security towards a resilient society” aims to provide an overview on linkages between food security and stability and to look for evidence that supports the assumption that food security interventions contribute to stability. The conclusion of this article is that there exists a significant research gap in providing empirical evidence »

April 12, 2016Knowledge Portal
Bringing gender analysis and resilience analysis together in small scale fisheries research: Challenges and opportunities

This working paper scrutinizes the challenges and opportunities for bringing a gender analysis together with an analysis of social-ecological resilience in the context of policy-orientated small-scale fisheries research. The authors argue that whilst the analysis of social-ecological resilience has made valuable contributions to integrating social dimensions into research and policy-making on natural resource management, it has so far demonstrated limited success in effectively integrating considerations of gender equity. »

March 24, 2016Knowledge Portal
Food security, gender and resilience: Improving smallholder and subsistence farming

This book focuses on how food security and resilience can improve smallholder and subsistence farming and how integration of gender can accommodate this. Through the integration of gender analysis into resilience thinking, this book shares field-based research insights from a collaborative, integrated project aimed at improving food security in subsistence and smallholder agricultural systems. The scope of the book is both local and multi-scalar. The gendered resilience framework, illustrated with detailed case studies from semi-arid Kenya, is shown to be suitable for use in analysis in other geographic regions and across disciplines. »

March 8, 2016Knowledge Portal
Adaptation measures in agricultural systems

This working paper (PDF) from CGIAR synthesizes the most up-to-date knowledge on actions and institutions that bolster smallholder farmers’ climate resilience, drawing upon research from agricultural systems across CGIAR’s diverse portfolio. The adaptation measures are identified as taking place above the level of farmers’ practices on the field. »

October 22, 2015Knowledge Portal
How resilient are farming households and communities to a changing climate in Africa? A gender-based perspective

This article uses a gender-based perspective to assess the conditions that underlie vulnerability and resilience of households and communities that face climate-change. The authors utilized a feminist political ecology framework to analyze how women and men are differently affected by issues of climate change and resource degradation. The authors compared the agricultural and livelihood systems of male and female respondents, as well as their productive resources, organization and access to services, and concluded that women have less access than men to common property resources, as well as to cash to obtain goods or services. »

October 19, 2015Knowledge Portal
The role of knowledge in building food security resilience across food system domains

This paper in the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences compares knowledge generation, transmission, access, and use in four food system domains (global industrial, independent commercial, local and sustainable, and fair trade) discriminated on dimensions of globalization and multifunctionality. The objective of these comparisons is to understand connections among the resilience of food systems, food security, and knowledge systems »