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public-private partnership (ppp)

Sixth F&BKP Newsletter
May 20, 2015News
Sixth F&BKP Newsletter

In the sixth newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform presents three new reports conducted within the Platform: the first focuses on the financing of African smallholder farmers; the second analyzes Public-Private Partnerships for food security; and the last reports on the results of the consultation meeting to establish a partnership between the Netherlands and the CGIAR. You can »

Building partnerships with whom?
May 19, 2015Study
Building partnerships with whom?
Theme: Partnerships

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in agriculture, food security and nutrition are on the rise. OECD countries and African governments invest more and more funds through PPPs to modernize the agricultural sector and food value chains in Africa. A new paper by the Food & Business Knowledge Platform presents a brief and non-exhaustive overview (a ‘quick scan’) »

May 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Brokering development: Enabling factors for public-private-producer partnerships in agricultural value chains

This publication seeks to understand how public-private-producer partnerships (PPPPs) in agricultural value chains can be designed and implemented to achieve more sustained increases in income for smallholder farmers. PPPPs also explicitly involve farmers (or producers), hence the fourth ‘P’ is added to the more familiar designation of ‘public-private partnerships’. »

April 28, 2015Knowledge Portal
Milk production pays off – Experiences of a DPPP approach in Northern Sri Lanka

In 2013, an international packaging company and a local retailer enterprise set up a project in Sri Lanka called “develoPPP initiative” (development partnerships with the private sector). The project aims at an increased quality and quantity of milk production and medium-term coverage of the regional demand, with a special focus on involving women and creating »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Kenya-Dutch PPP puts new twist on ancient farm technology

SNV Kenya and the Dutch company Land Life Company joined in a public-private partnership to improve the water efficiency and survival rates of young trees in dry-land Kenya. For avocado trees as well as mango trees, a Land Life Box is provided, a donut-hole centred box that delivers water slowly and over time to the »

March 13, 2015Knowledge Portal
Global initiative on food loss and waste reduction

This short brochure explains the core problems related to food loss and waste and introduced the SAVE FOOD Global Initiative on Food Loss & Waste Reduction. Food loss and waste have negative environmental impacts because of the water, land, energy and other natural resources used to produce food that no one consumes. The size of the impact increases with the level of processing and refining of the food products, and the stage (upstream or downstream) in the food supply chain at which the food is lost or wasted. »