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postharvest losses

April 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Characterization of pre- and postharvest losses of tomato supply chain in Ethiopia

This article presents qualitative and quantitative post-harvest losses of tomato in Ethiopia. Results indicate that tomato production is done by relatively young married individuals with at least primary level education. About three-quarter of land holding is allocated for vegetable production, which largely takes place under irrigation during dry season. »

F&BKP newsletter March 2017 (#02)
March 31, 2017News
F&BKP newsletter March 2017 (#02)

The March 2017 Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) newsletter presents information on various food & nutrition security related reports, knowledge activities, calls and events. Furthermore, a new feature of the Knowledge Portal is introduced: to stay updated on specific topics of the Portal, you can now subscribe to ourĀ email alerts. To stay informed on »

March 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
Reducing post-harvest losses to increase the value of vegetable products

This policy brief discusses the post-harvest losses of vegetable products in West Africa and recommendations to reduce these losses. Currently, substantial amount of vegetables products are lost through limited availability of technologies and related infrastructure for post-harvest activities. Several issues contriburing to the food loss are discussed and various recommendations are given in this policy brief to tackle the problems associated with the post-harvest losses. »

March 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
Food security: Postharvest losses

This article addresses the inconsistencies in definitions and target issues of food losses and waste. In recent years, the question of food losses and waste (FLW) has been the subject of much debate. When it comes to food security, the preservation of natural resources and potential economic benefits, the general public, scientists and politicians all agree that FLW needs to be reduced. »

Learnings from the Food Connection Challenge
March 8, 2017News
Learnings from the Food Connection Challenge
Theme: Food Wastage

The Food Connection Challenge (FCC), an initiative of BoPInc and Crosswise Works facilitated by the F&BKP and IBA, was launched as a business-led response to postharvest losses in Ghana. In this blogpost learnings from organizing this Challenge, including good practices, are shared to inform similar initiatives. »

February 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Tackling food waste around the world: Our top 10 apps

This article showcases apps that aim to limit food wastage, both food losses and waste. Most of the apps aim to decrease food waste, however one app, the Cheetah App developed by the researchers from the University of Twente focuses on reducing food losses. The Cheetah app, which is currently being trialed by around 80 users in Ghana, shows farmers, food transporters and traders the fastest route to market, and even shows how to avoid ad hoc roadblocks set up to take bribes from drivers. »