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August 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Pastoralist societies in flux: A conceptual framework analysis of herding and land use among the Mukugodo Maasai of Kenya

This article illustrates the relationship between globalization and apparent transformations in pastoralist behavior in recent years. The paper focuses specifically on the links among climate, land use, and herding in rural northern Kenya. »

June 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Trade-offs for climate-resilient pastoral livelihoods in wildlife conservancies in the Mara ecosystem, Kenya

This article investigates the ability of wildlife conservancies in Kenya, to act as an alternative for pastoralists that mitigates risks and maintains resilience in a changing climate. The paper analyses how conservancies contribute to and integrate with pastoral livelihoods, and how pastoralists are managing their livestock herds in response to conservancies. »

June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Enhancing sustainability of pastoral productive systems

This Learning Alliance Highlight reviews the best practices in land tenure policy for pastoralist societies in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. Over the course of six topics, participants in the Online Learning Alliance discussed and exchanged ideas on how to sustain pastoralism as a production system. »

May 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Lessons from semi-arid regions on how to adapt to climate change

This blog discusses how farmers in semi-arid regions adapt to climate change and what is needed for sustained and equitable adaptation. The blog links to research done in Northern Ghana, India and Kenya, which show how farmers and pastoralists deal with the effects of climate change. »

March 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Pastoral community platforms as channels for behavioural change for nutrition

This publication explores the potential of pastoral-community platforms to channel maternal, infant and young-child nutrition messages to community members. A seven-month Behavioral Change for Improved Nutrition intervention assessed the ability of pastoral-community platforms to increase awareness on optimal practices to promote positive behavioural changes in the study communities. »

January 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Farming Matters: Listening to Pastoralists

This issue of Farming Matters by ILEIA explores the different ways pastoral societies are joining forces to challenge the policies that undermine their culture and way of life. For millennia, pastoralist societies have managed the rangelands of the world’s most challenging environments, producing food and providing ecosystem services for millions of households. The experiences, opinions and perspectives presented in this issue highlight the importance of pastoral societies for agroecology and the transformation of entire food systems. »